Instrumentation I: Horizontal Distances with Taping and Other Technologies [0:43]

Joseph V.R. Paiva PhD, PS, PE

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In addition to being useful in surveying field and office work, an understanding of methods that the surveyor may not typically use is covered in this series on instrumentation, as they may be covered in various exams including CST and FS, perhaps even the PS. It is particularly true in this course focusing on taping and other horizontal distance methods excluding electronic distance measurement (EDM). We begin with a discussion of the steel tape and the importance and function of various peripherals including plumb bobs, hand levels, thermometers, etc. The difference in markings and how to read “add” and “cut” tapes is covered. There is a section on tape calibration which is useful because the concepts can be extended to the calibration of many other devices. Typical taping corrections are then discussed. Not so much how to calculate them, but why they might need to be applied. We then move on to the all-important question of what are you doing. Computing corrections are fine, but knowing how to apply them requires an understanding of the methods used to calculate them depending on whether you are making a measurement between two existing points or if you wish to lay out a particular value. Error sources and how to minimize some of them with field procedures and equipment are discussed. Other technologies discussed briefly include the rangefinder, subtense bar, and stadia. Running time 43 minutes.

You will learn…

  • Horizontal and slope-taping techniques and peripheral equipment to determine horizontal distances
  • About different types of tapes and how to calibrate them
  • Typical taping corrections, not the computation, but why they are used and how to apply them
  • The difference between measuring between known points and laying out a desired value
  • Other technologies briefly including the rangefinder, subtense bar, and stadia

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